[{"id":"-1","order":"-1","name":"Osekai Home","slogan":"??apps.home.slogan??","simplename":"home","color_dark":"53, 61, 85","color":"53, 61, 85","logo":"osekai_light","colour_logo":"osekai_dark","cover":"cover\/none","visible":"1","experimental":"0","hascover":"0","dark_value_multiplier":"1","value_mulitplier":"1","questions":[{"ID":"1","App":"-1","Title":"Does the website's name have any meaning?","Content":"[mulraf]: The name \"Osekai\" is a portmanteau of \"osu!\", the name of the rhythm game we all know and love, and the name of the anime genre isekai. Isekai generally means \"other world\" or \"different world\". While I'm not the biggest fan of the isekai genre, this website was originally intended for something else. I wanted to build up a \"team\" for osu! with a website that hosts not only its own community, but also leaderboards, minigames and much more. Sort of like a \"different world\" within osu!","LocalizationPrefix":"nameMeaning"},{"ID":"2","App":"-1","Title":"I found a bug","Content":"Please contact us directly via the osu! Medal Hunters Discord server or through osu! DMs and we will try to fix it!","LocalizationPrefix":"foundBug"},{"ID":"3","App":"-1","Title":"I have an idea","Content":"Great! Feel free to share your ideas via the osu! Medal Hunters Discord server or directly with us in osu! DMs. Keep in mind though that we still have a lot of ideas and plans waiting to come to life as well at the moment.","LocalizationPrefix":"haveIdea"},{"ID":"4","App":"-1","Title":"What are your future plans?","Content":"We are currently working on a plethora of features, ideas, and new Osekai apps. Be on the lookout for any new things!

If you want to get secret updates on current progress and early access to unfinished features, please consider donating and therefore acquiring access to our super-secret Osekai Development channel.","LocalizationPrefix":"futurePlans"}]},{"id":"1","order":"1","name":"Osekai Rankings","slogan":"??apps.rankings.slogan??","simplename":"rankings","color_dark":"0, 66, 79","color":"0, 194, 224","logo":"white\/rankings","colour_logo":"coloured\/rankings","cover":"cover\/rankings","visible":"1","experimental":"0","hascover":"1","dark_value_multiplier":"0.5","value_mulitplier":"0.7","questions":[{"ID":"5","App":"1","Title":"I can't find my username in the rankings but I should be in there!","Content":"Sorry, but we can't collect every user's data and regularly keep that data up to date at the same time. Therefore, data on people with lower ranks will not be collected and included by default, though we do have good news for you: you can log in with your osu! credentials and your data will start being regularly updated. You can also do this if you are already one of the people with a rank high enough to get updated so that even if you leave the range of ranks that get updated you will still continue getting regular updates.","LocalizationPrefix":"cantFindName"},{"ID":"6","App":"1","Title":"My data is there, but it's not up-to-date. How frequently do you renew your data?","Content":"Right now, small data updates are happening every 12 hours or so, with a full sweep every 3 days. If your data hasn't been updated in 4 days from now, there's probably an issue. Please contact us!","LocalizationPrefix":"dataNotUpdated"},{"ID":"7","App":"1","Title":"What is SPP?","Content":"SPP is an abbreviation for \"Standard deviated PP\". SPP is the ranking method all-mode players on their respective Discord server chose as their main ranking. You can read about standard deviation Here<\/a>","LocalizationPrefix":"whatIsSPP"},{"ID":"8","App":"1","Title":"The percentages for the Medal Rarity don't look correct.","Content":"Sadly we can't track everyone's stats and we also don't have any other means to get this rate, so it's just the rarity of the medal among all the players that we have tracked. Since this means that the percentages are calculated with the data of roughly 50.000 people it is a pretty good estimate, but since it's mostly the top 10.000 of each gamemode the percentages of harder medals are a bit underestimated.","LocalizationPrefix":"wrongRarityPercentages"},{"ID":"9","App":"1","Title":"What are the color codes for the user ranking in Osekai Rankings?","Content":"